How soon will I see results from your service?

Online stores usually see results within two weeks, boat manufacturers who only sell high-ticket items can expect to see results within six months.

For boat manufacturers: If you only sell high-ticket items such as boats, our primary focus will be strengthening your brand - by nurturing the relationship with customers in your email list.

Within six months, you will notice that more invested and qualified customers visit your stores and events. Our emails have educated them about your products, and they have developed more trust in your brand.

For online stores selling boat equipment: People usually see results within the first two weeks. We will connect our CRM system to your online store and create sales automation like abandoned cart emails to increase total sales.

How long it will take to see results from our email campaigns depends on how extensive your current email list is. 

If you already have an extensive email list, you will see results as soon as we launch our campaigns, as long as the people on the list are still active and you have permission to contact these people via email.

If you don't have an email list, we will have to spend time growing the list for you using your website and social media. It can take around six months to grow an email list, depending on how many website visitors you get and how many followers you have on social media.

You only offer email marketing as a service. Why not provide more services?

We want to provide max value to our clients. Specializing in one service gives us the focus needed to excel in our work. It allows us to stay on top of the latest trends and strategies that can improve your bottom line.

Brain surgeons only perform brain surgery, Tom Brady only plays as a quarterback, and Akka only works with email marketing.

Why do you only help boating companies?

By focusing on one industry, we can better understand your current challenges - even outside your own business. Over time we also accumulate more insight into customer behavior directly related to your industry. That results in more informed marketing efforts and more value for your investment.

Why do you only help companies making $1 million plus annually?

If you make $1 million a year, you already have an established business and strategies to get customers to your website. For email marketing to work, you need to have an existing customer base, a good amount of website traffic, or a following on social media - so that we can build your email list.

Since you have an already established business, we are more comfortable engaging in a long-term relationship with you. When we take on a client, we initially spend much time creating a foundation for our collaboration to succeed. 

You also have better opportunities to make critical investments and the infrastructure to handle more incoming business.

Why do you only take on new clients every three months?

To deliver the quality work we are proud of, we can only focus on so many clients at once. Instead of acquiring new clients every day or week, like many other agencies, we prioritize nurturing our current client relationships.

We open up for new client collaborations every three months, but we are selective with whom we work. We ensure that every client gets a premium service by taking on only what we can handle.

Why email?

Does email marketing work?

  • Email increase sales: Email marketing has an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent - Litmus

  • Email influences buying decisions: 59% of respondents say marketing emails have influenced purchases - Salecycle

Is email still relevant?

  • Companies invest more in email: 37% of brands are increasing their email budget, while only 1,3% are reducing it (2021) - Litmus

  • More companies use email marketing: The email marketing industry is expected to grow from $7.5 Billion (2020) to $17.9 Billion by 2027 - Statista

  • More people are using email: In 2019, email had 3.9 billion users, which is set to rise to 4.48 billion users by 2024 - Statista

Do customers want to receive emails?

  • Email engagement grows: 77% of marketers saw an increase in email engagement in the last 12 months (2021) - Not another state of marketing

  • Customers prefer email: 73% of people born between 1946 and 1980 consider email as the most personal channel to receive communications from brands (Millennials 64% and Gen-Z 60%) - Bluecore

You work in Sweden, and we don't. How can that interfere with our cooperation?

It won't. We will respond to emails within 12 hours, and when you want to talk, we will schedule meetings at your convenience. We will send out our email campaigns to your customers at the optimal time in their time zone.

It will be like any other cooperation - with better service and a friendly Swedish accent.